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Plugin Overview

PluginCurrent StatusIntegration Document URL
Stron MeterReadyThey do not provide API docs online
Gomelong MeterReadyThey do not provide API docs online
SunKing Solar Home SystemReadyThey do not provide API docs online
Calin MeterReadyThey do not provide API docs online
Calin Smart MeterReadyThey do not provide API docs online
Microstar MeterReady (Companies have to make an agreement with MicroStarElectric to get their .p12 certificate)They do not provide API docs online
DalyBms (e-bike)Ready (Battery Management System API, works only with e-bikes with Daly BMS installed)Website
Wavecom Payment(Manual) Ready (MPM users must export transaction data, paste into template, and upload)N/A
Angaza Solar Home SystemRequires minor update in AngazaSHSApi.php (Rename chargeMeter to chargeDevice) then readyAPI Docs

Needs Refactoring / Development

PluginCurrent StatusIntegration Document URL
Spark MeterRequires refactoringAPI Docs
Steama MeterRequires refactoringAPI Docs
Swifta PaymentRequires refactoringWebsite
Mesomb PaymentRequires refactoringLogin
Wave Money PaymentRequires refactoringAPI Docs

Broken / Deprecated

PluginCurrent StatusIntegration Document URL
Kelin MeterBroken (They do not provide API anymore)N/A
Viber MessagingNo longer usable due to new strict chatbot criteriaHelp Article

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