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This sites describes a potentially deprecated feature of MPM

MPManager is using Trello as a ticketing platform. All tickets are basically Trello cards. The database is only holding references to the tickets. The ticketing system aims to resolve requests and complaints from customers as quickly as possible. It is important to assign a ticket to the correct category to maintain tickets easily. Therefore, there are some ticket categories. To add/ list category please click on Categories that is listed under Tickets in the sidebar.

Adding User to Ticketing System

As already mentioned, the ticketing system is using Trello. To be able to assign tickets internally, all the staff has to be registered on Trello. The user name is been used to associate the Trello user to MPManager users.

To add a user click on Users in the list below Tickets. It will ask you the Ticketing System Tag. That is the name that begins with an @ in the Trello user profile.

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