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MPManager customers are listed under Customers in the sidebar. This table contains the customers' name, phone number, city, and meter number. The search function also includes all those fields.

By clicking on a customer, will load the details of that specific customer.

This customer details page shows all information about that customer.

Such as - Basic Details: Name, Surname, Birth Date, etc. - Payment flow: Is a chart that shows how often the customer makes payments - Addresses: A list of the addresses that belong to the customer. - Sold Assets: The assets, that bought by the customer. - A detailed list of the payments.

  • Payment types: Shows how the sent money is neem spent (Energy, Access Rate payment, etc.). - List of tickets that belong to the customer. - A list of the meters which belong to the customer and a map where the meters are visually displayed.

Some of the elments are editable (ex:name,surname) or addable (ex:ticket, address).

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