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You can find frontend files under Website/ui. The frontend is built with Vue.js. After first run with docker-compose up dependencies will be installed automatically. If you want to install dependencies manually, you can run npm install under Website/ui folder.

Folder Structure

When adding new files to the project, please adhere to the following folder structure:

  • Creating New Modules: Modules are the components used in pages. For example, the Client module holds components related to clients. Every component associated with clients should be placed under the Client module.
├── src
   ├── modules
   ├── newModule
  • Creating New Pages: Pages are the components used in routes. We follow the nuxt.js folder structure for pages. The index.vue file under a page folder represents the listing page of the page, while the _id.vue file represents the detail page. Since we are not using nuxt.js, routes need to be defined manually. You can find the routes in the Website/ui/src/ExportedRoutes.js file.
├── src
   ├── pages
   ├── newPage
|   |   |   ├── index.vue
|   |   |   ├── _id.vue

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