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The backend is built with Laravel. The backend is served under http://localhost:8000/api. You can find backend files under Website/htdocs/mpmanager. After the first run with docker-compose up, dependencies will be installed automatically. If you prefer to install dependencies manually or need to add additional packages, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the Docker container named "laravel" by navigating to the "mpmanager" directory:

    docker exec -it laravel bash
    cd mpmanager
  2. Run the following command to install dependencies, replacing {package-name} with the actual name of the package:

     ./composer.phar install {package-name}

These steps ensure that you can manage dependencies either automatically during the initial docker-compose up or manually when needed. Make sure to replace {package-name} with the actual name of the package you want to install.

We followed the laravel folder structure for the backend. If you want to learn more about the folder structure, you can check the Laravel documentation.

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