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A target can be assigned to a whole cluster or for a single Mini-Grid. The important thing by assigning a target is;

If the target is assigned to a cluster, the manager will see only that target on the cluster dashboard. However, if a single Mini-Grid or all Mini-Grids in a cluster has a defined target. The manager will see the calculated sum of these targets.

Example: Cluster 1 has following Mini-Grids; MG-1 MG-2 and MG-3

New Connections100200500

The result of the cluster overview page would be 800 for expected new connections.

Creating targets

By clicking on Targets in the sidebar will load a page with already set targets. The list shows only the key fields of each target. To see the details of a target, click on the Expand button.

To add a new Target just click on the New Target on the right top side. After clicking on that button, a new page will be loaded. Firstly the manager/admin should assign a Cluster or a Mini-Grid. Then, the date until that target is valid should be selected.

When these two steps are done; Its time to define our target with some fields like New connections, Revenue per Month,... None of these fields are marked as required. That means the manager/admin is free to enter or not to enter a value for each goal.

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