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Here we describe the terminology used in MicroPowerManager

Mini-GridIt is an off-grid electricity distribution network that includes small/medium-scale electricity generation.
ClusterThe area that covers the grouped Mini-Grids.
CustomerIt defines individual clients and businesses registered in MPManager
MeterA pre-paid energy meter that works with an STS-Token.
TransactionIncoming payments from customers.
TicketIt is the place where customer problems, complaints, and demands are collected.
TariffThe combination of energy(kWh) price and the fixed price(access rate).
TargetIt is a goal for a Mini-Grid/ Cluster that the company wants to reach at a given time.
Asset TypeAn object, that could be sold to locals to help/improve their productivity or live quality.
MaintenanceThis is the place where external contractors are assigned to predefined jobs like "connect a new house-hold to the grid", "replacing not working meters, etc.".

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