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Setup a development environment

In a local development environment


  • A docker container runtime with Docker Compose (for example Docker Desktop)
  • Working installation of git
  • A Text editor (While you can use any text editor you're comfortable with, we recommend VS Code for this project)

This guide requires a Unix-like environment. Supported platforms include:

  1. macOS: Any recent version of macOS (13 Ventura or later)
  2. various Linux distributions (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian)
  3. Windows with Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2)

For Windows users:

  • Please ensure you have WSL2 installed and properly configured before proceeding.
  • Please ensure you are running Docker Desktop in WSL2 mode.
  • When opening the repository in VS Code ensure to open in WSL2 mode (for example by navigating to the source code in WSL2 terminal and running code .)

For all users:

This document assumes that you have a basic understanding of how to use the command line. You should be familiar with common Unix commands such as cd, ls, mkdir, and how to edit text files using a text editor like VS Code. Before proceeding, ensure you can open a terminal (Terminal app on macOS, terminal emulator on Linux, or WSL2 terminal on Windows) and run basic commands.


  1. git-clone the repository
  2. Build and run the docker containers with docker compose up

Migration on First run

When you run the application for the first time, you need to run the following command to initialize the databases and load Demo data:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan migrate --seed

This command will

  • create the central database which is required for MPM to function.
  • create the Demo company, it's database and run migrations
  • populate the database entities with demo data

To access the local instance of MicroPowerManager open http://localhost:8001/ in a web browser.

Log in to the application using the following credentials:

password: 123123

The dummy protected page password of this company is 123123.


If you wish to run MicroPowerManage without the Demo data you can skip --seed and only run php artisan migrate.

Then you can then explore a vanilla MicroPowerManager instance, where you can register new users and tenants.

However, for a better development flow it is generally recommended to load demo data.

Generating transaction data

To generate dummy transaction data you can run

php artisan dummy:create-data 250
php artisan dummy:create-data --type=ticket 25

This commands will create 250 transactions and 25 tickets within the past 30 days respectively. It can be run multiple times to generate more data as required.

Reseting the Demo data

If you wish reset the Demo data setup to the default setup run:

docker exec -it laravel bash
cd mpmanager
php artisan migrate-tenant:drop-demo-company
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

This can be helpful if

  • Your sample setup got very messy and you wish to have a clean data basis for your work
  • New Demo data seeders got added in the upstream code base and you wish to run them

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